Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Top 9 Places to Camp (well so far)

First up, sorry for my long absence!!

Alright, so we have camped in several great spots over the places that we have so far traveled. We thought we would share them with you, as some you really should camp at if you can!!

Paddy's River Flats, near
1. Paddy's River Flat- Alright, we all froze here but it was some great fun, and the little stream out the back just added to the picturesqueness. The hot water up at the toilets was an added blessing, and it was great fun to have a roaring fire. Luckily, there was plenty of dead wood lying around.

Sunset over Gum Bend Lake,
2. Gum Bend Lake- This was definitely one of the best value spots we ever free-camped. With hot showers and clean toilets, without paying a cent all we needed was a generator and we were set!! The lake was nice and cool (perfect for a swim on a hot day) and Joel liked fishing at the river feeding into the lake. We also used to go along the lake shore and flick lures in nice and shallow and have the fun of pulling in carp.

Right on the Murray at Merbein Common
3. Merbein Common (Horseshoe Common)- This was a great camp-site as we camped (literally) right on the Murray. The boys got treated to some lovely sunrises when they woke up, and Joel left his rod out all night trying to catch some fish. The rope swing we made it nice and fun to swing out over the water, as the water was too shallow to jump in (and getting a bit on the cold side).

Dumaresq Dam, near Armidale
4. Dumaresq Dam- This was the first stopping point after we set off, and it remains in our memory because of that. The big shelter in the middle of the camp ground was great, having a big fireplace, tables, and a few resident possums. The dam itself was overrun with redfin, and we had some lovely dinners on the fish that Joel caught. It was also fun to go for a kayak.

5. Swifts Creek- This was a camping ground set right in the Victorian high country. When you steeped out the door of the caravan, there was a lovely stream. and then high mountains reaching for the sky. There was power there (lucky!) and the big shelter was great for drying clothes and cooking dinner when the weather turned rainy.

The view at Swifts Creek
6. Mendooran- This camp spot was right on the river, and when Joel, Chloe and I went exploring, there was plenty of rope swings around. There was also a great playground in town, where the girls loved to have a play at.

7. Victoria River Roadhouse- This mainly got onto the list because of the majestic scenery surrounding it. The scenery was typical of the East Kimberly (which we had never seen before) and it was lovely to see the sun slowly sinking behind the red ranges.Also, Joel had a great fish there (although no fish).

8. Woolomin- Woolomin was our second stop of the trip, and the camping spot was lovely and green, and the river out the back (remember, river always makes it better) was full of fishing prospects (well, not according to Joel, but the locals said so). It was also a great drive out to Chaffey Dam, where there was also camping for die-hard free campers (we're not).

Sunrise at Yambuck, near Warnambool

9. Yambuck- Yambuck was on the Great Ocean Road, and earned it's place because of the lovely views. Camped on top of a hill, the caravan park overlooked a river, which you could follow with you eyes until it hit the dune system, and then it dissapeared into the ocean. There was also Victoria's longest slide (well, last time I checked) just down the road heading towards the beach.

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