Recently, we have started watching
Bible in 24 Hours. This DVD set by Chuck Missler, is absolutely
fascinating, and the things that he picks out that we wouldn't even
think about are amazing. We are up to Hour 7, are are learning about
the monarchy. As he says: The
New Testament is in the Old Testament concealed, and
The Old Testament is in the New Testament revealed. After all I have been learning, my head is bursting with little things and I thought I
would share them with you.
you know?
- The genealogy of David is written in Genesis (albeit hidden)
- Have you ever wondered why David picked up 5 river stones, when he only required one to bring down Goliath. David was simply being prepared, as Goliath had 4 other brothers. He was ready to take them all on. The 4 brothers of Goliath were later killed by David's mighty men
- Did you ever wonder what would have happened if Saul had completely destroyed the agagites? There would have been no Haman
- What about if David had killed Shimei, the man that curse him and his troops? There would have been no Mordecai
- What about this: Adam Man isSeth appointedEnosh mortalRenan sorrow butMahalalel The Blessed GodJared Shall come downEnoch Teaching (that)Methusalah his death shall bringLamech The despairingNoah Comfort RestThat is a prophecy about Jesus, hidden in names of people, all the way back in Genesis
- 40 hours to get out of Egypt, 40yrs to get Egypt out of Israel
- Joshua vs Ephesian:Entering and Possessing Entering and PossessingEarthly Inheritance Heavenly InheritanceGiven In Abraham Given in Christ
- That Ruth actually goes against what the laws require show a parallel to Jesus. The law requires Ruth to go to the kinsman redeemer, but Boaz goes instead is one such example.
- Saul’s early promise vs. later decline:Striking Physically ImpatientModest Violating priests prerogativeDirectGenerous
What do you think?
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