Tuesday, 25 February 2014

How on Earth do you Survive Without a TV?

Do you have a TV? We have been asked this question several times actually. Several people have looked shocked at the very idea of not having a TV (several kids too). In truth, we have hardly ever watched a TV in the past. We figured that 1. we didn't have enough space and 2. the fuss of tuning and all that other fiddly stuff is worth the bother. It is not actually that hard to survive without a TV.

What do we do to entertain ourselves other than TV? We play outside, read, play a boardgame, talk (a very foreign thing I know), rest, watch a DVD, and plenty of other things. Like mentioned before, we never really watched TV, so we didn't have to wean ourself off it, nor and to all of a sudden figure out a way to entertain ourselves. True, we have met some people that sit in front of a TV 24/7 that probably couldn't survive without one. But we can.

We have now survived for 1 year and a bit. We have a large cupboard with approximately 10 boardgames. Some of our favourites are Monopoly, Faces, Articulate, and Uno Attack. If we want to play individually, we have a super fun game called Traffic Rush. We also have several card games.

As you probably already know, I love reading. I have no problem entertaining myself with a good book, and Joel can sometimes entertain himself with a book, as long it is interesting. The boys are both 4WD addicts, and monthly buy a 4WD Action mag. This lasts for about a week in the entertaining.

We do actually still watch DVD's. One of our computer still plays DVD's alright, and we generally have a series on the go. Recently, at Christmas, we all got some series, and we are ever so slowly working our way through them. Our favourite series so far has been Seachange, the Sullivans, Bush tucker Man, and Upstairs Downstairs.

The girls are masters of entertaining themselves. You may think that that little kids are the hardest to entertain, but without so many toys, they have to fall back on one thing that should be exercised more often, your imagination. They like pretending that their fairies, horses, and all the other things that little girls imagine. One of their favourite games is actually pretending to ride buckjumpers.

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