Tuesday 20 May 2014

A Sewing Blitz!

Skirt no.1, my first attempt,
and my second favorite
after my new one.
So I am having a practical week for schoolwork this week, and I thought I would tell you a little bit about my sewing projects....

Before we left for our big trip, I had already started sewing. I had made a quilt under mum's direction, just a simple 'raggy' one. I then went to a sewing class which Mum had found in Macksville, and made another quilt which you can also use as a pillow (quillow!). I learnt quite a bit making this quillow and I went to another sewing workshop, where I learnt a sewing technique called 'quilt as you go'. The quilt that I had made was only small, and became the centre panel for my next quilt. This last quilt never got finished before we left, but it was turning out to be a lovely quilt. We also got the material for 2 more quilts for the little girls. So I've got three quilts left at Nambucca Heads to finish!!

Skirt no.2, my starry one
At Darwin, I decided to get back into sewing again. All my sewing supplies and my machine were back in Nambucca, and I had no way of getting it back. So, I bit the bullet, and brought another basic sewing machine that was on sale at Target. I was then introduced to the world of dressmaking by mum, making 2 skirts and starting 2 dresses for Tahlia. I learnt that you can actually buy patterns, and how to find them (originally made quilts with someone else instructing me, no pattern in sight).

Making the skirts was fiddly, not as much as quilts though. The two were finally finished, and I was so happy. I was running on basic supplies, but still managed to make cuts rather straight. I started the first dress for Tahlia, but the pattern was not very good fitting and quite fiddly, so the dresses were abandoned and I went into hibernation for a while.

Then I started again this week, as we found a Spotlight!!

My full bag, all butterflies and birds
Mum had found a sewing pattern on Larger Family Life, and the bag looked quite nice. I had made a quilt in the raggy style before, and liked the style. We also wanted to make a crochet quilt, a skill I also learned from Mum.

We got the materials one day, and then went back for the wool as Spotlight was closing. When we were buying the wool, we heard a cashier lady say that Spotlight VIP club members were getting 40% off at the moment when they spent more than $100.

Closer view of the bag.
My three skirts all laid out.
After going outside, Mum considered the deal and thought it pretty good. We went back inside and after the wool being refunded, we went off to buy $100 worth of stuff for $60. We decided that I could make another denim skirt, and make mum a corduroy skirt, as well as another bag. Along with a patchwork ruler, all the stuff made $100, and we were given 40% off everything.

After finishing my first raggy bag, I made my denim skirt. After a bit of fiddling, we were finished and was the proud owner of my new handmade skirt. Now I plan to make another bag, and then finish mum's corduroy skirt.

My denim skirt all finished.....
The denim skirt is full, but not as full as the other two I have made. It will be a great winter skirt, and looks really good.

All the wool for our quilt. All 12 ply, but
some is thicker and we have had all sort
of trouble making the squares the right
The raggy bag is also great, and the materials mum helped me pick match together perfectly. The bag is already being put in use, and holding all the wool I have. I just need to wash it to finish it.

We also have plenty of ideas for future skirts and bags...............

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